Exploring a Plant-Diversity Hypothesis to Explain Helminth Prevalence in Northern Bobwhite

Author(s): John E. Herschberger, Shaelyn T. Rainey, Fidel Hernández, Kristyn G. Stewart, Andrea Montalvo, and Lindsey K. Howard
Published: October 2023

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Helminths, in particular eyeworms and cecal worms, may be a factor influencing northern bobwhite populations in Texas. Previous research has shown a discrepancy in helminth infections between the Rolling Plains and Rio Grande Plains of Texas, US, potentially caused by differences in intermediate host distribution
and abundance.

Suggested Citation

Herschberger, J.E., S.T. Rainey, F. Hernandez, K.G. Stewart, A. Montalvo, and L.K. Howard.  2023.  Exploring a plant-diversity hypothesis to explain helminth prevalence in Northern Bobwhite (Colinus viginianus) in Texas, USA.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 59:651-661.  DOI: 10.7589/JWD-D-22-00124

Northern Bobwhite Responses to Management