Management Bulletin No. 7: Don’t Gamble on Stocking Rate: Knowing the Odds Makes for Better Bets

Author(s): Jason Sawyer
Published: September 2022

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The grazing of livestock, a primary use of rangelands, is also a powerful and fundamental tool for land managers. While forage growth is dependent on rainfall and site characteristics that are beyond the control of managers, stocking rate (the number of animal units (AU) per land area per unit of time) is the direct result of a (hopefully) informed managerial decision. Determining stocking rate is a primary way that managers deploy grazing strategy into their larger land management plan.

Suggested Citation

Sawyer. 2022. Don’t Gamble on Stocking Rate: Knowing the Odds Makes for Better Bets. East Foundation Management Bulletin No. 7, 4p.
